OSCC Extends Software Assessment Survey Deadline
The National Institute of Building Sciences Off-Site Construction Council (OSCC) is still looking for input from architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) professionals and manufacturers regarding their software use for off-site construction projects. Earlier this summer, the Council issued a survey to assess the role of software in delivering off-site constructed projects. To ensure a representative sample of industry professionals responds, the OSCC has extended the deadline to Friday, October 9 at 5:00 pm.
In a previous OSCC survey, many AEC professionals indicated utilizing off-site fabricated components to some degree over the past year, and expect to utilize off-site construction more often or the same amount in the year ahead. The purpose of the follow-up software survey is to gain an understanding of the kinds of software tools industry participants are currently using for their off-site projects.
The software survey, consisting of seven questions (multiple choice and fill-in-the blank), should take less than ten minutes to complete. OSCC will compile responses into a report, which will be distributed to the industry at a later date and be used to inform development of an Off-Site Construction Implementation Guide.
Take a few minutes now to share your input. The survey ends October 9, 2015.