News & Updates

Wednesday, August 5, 2015 - 12:34 - 0 comment(s)
Accepting Testimony from Building Industry Representatives The U.S. building industry is under increasing pressure to deliver high-performance buildings to meet the needs of owners, occupants and government. Owners and contractors are looking for opportunities to improve certainty in schedule, performance and cost while managing risks. At the same time, there is an increasing concern from multiple segments of the industry on the availability of a skilled workforce, as well as the productivity... + continue reading
Monday, August 3, 2015 - 11:58 - 0 comment(s)
Will Look at People, Processes, Tools and Technologies to Reach Resilience The U.S. building industry is facing significant challenges: addressing the impacts of climate change; achieving sustainability; assuring asset and community resilience; and managing risk. At the same time, it is widely recognized as a fragmented industry with divergent interests and priorities. The need and the opportunity to address these challenges—that affect the industry and the nation as a whole—has never been... + continue reading
Monday, July 27, 2015 - 14:12 - 0 comment(s)
There is only one day left to register for this week's webinar hosted by the National Institute of Building Sciences Multihazard Mitigation Council (MMC). Don’t miss the chance to learn about a significant new effort by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), through its Community Resilience Program, to improve the resilience of communities to natural, technological and human-caused hazards. MMC will host the webinar, “NIST Resilience Initiatives,” on Wednesday, July 29... + continue reading
Monday, July 27, 2015 - 10:29 - 0 comment(s)
Green to Keynote, OSCC to Hold Meeting at Event In a recent survey conducted by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) Off-Site Construction Council (OSCC), 93 percent of respondents in the architect, engineer, contractor and owner fields indicated that they had implemented some form of offsite construction process in the past twelve months. However, up to this point, there has not been a focus on this expanding sector of the building industry. The Offsite Construction Expo, to be... + continue reading