Rose Will Discuss Ways to Advance Resilience, High Performance in Nation’s Urban Areas
The author and man who “repairs the fabric of cities,” Jonathan F.P. Rose, will serve as the Plenary Keynote Speaker during Building Innovation 2017: The National Institute of Building Sciences Fifth Annual Conference and Expo, to be held January 9-12, in Washington, D.C.
Building Innovation 2017, with its theme of “Collaborating for a High-Performing Future,” correlates well with Mr. Rose’s recently published book, The Well-Tempered City: What Modern Science, Ancient Civilizations and Human Behavior Teach Us about the Future of Urban Life. The book covers many of the topics the Institute’s councils and committees have been addressing to achieve resilient, high-performance buildings and communities. Following his keynote on Wednesday, January 11 from 12:00 – 1:30 pm ET, Mr. Rose will be signing copies of his book, which will be available for purchase on site.
Mr. Rose’s business, public policy and not-for-profit work all focus on creating more environmentally, socially and economically resilient cities. In 1989, Mr. Rose founded Jonathan Rose Companies LLC, a multi-disciplinary real estate development, planning and investment firm, which creates real estate and planning models to address the challenges of the 21st century. He has led the firm’s vision, program and growth, developing award-winning new projects, investment funds and city plans to model solutions to the issues of housing, economic development and the environment.
The company’s mission is to develop communities that enhance opportunity for all. Its work touches many aspects of community health, working with cities and not-for-profits to build affordable and mixed-income housing, cultural, health and educational infrastructure, and advocating for neighborhoods to be enriched with parks and open space, mass transit, jobs and healthy food. The firm’s innovative development, planning, investment and owners’ representation work has won awards from the Urban Land Institute, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Natural Resources Defense Council, American Planning Association, American Institute of Architects (AIA) and other prestigious organizations.
A frequent lecturer on affordable housing, community development, smart growth and the environment, Mr. Rose has testified before U.S. Senate and House Committees on housing, infrastructure and environmental issues; served as an Advisor to the White House Office of Urban Affairs; is a Trustee of Enterprise Community Partners and the Brooklyn Academy of Music, an Honorary Member of the AIA and Honorary Trustee of the American Museum of Natural History and Jazz at Lincoln Center. Mr. Rose chaired the Metropolitan Transit Authority’s Blue Ribbon Sustainability Commission, which developed the nation’s first green transit plan, and was a commissioner on Governor Cuomo’s NYS 2100 Commission, tasked with identifying strategies for the long-term resilience of New York State’s infrastructure post-Hurricane Sandy.
In addition to Mr. Rose’s plenary keynote, Building Innovation 2017 will include 44 presenters organized into 16 sessions worth a total of 24.5 Learning Units (LUs) from the American Institute of Architects.
On Monday, participants will get a first-hand view of how the Institute works to improve the built environment and find ways to get involved in the process by attending leadership meetings. Other opportunities to hear from industry leaders include the Tuesday Opening Keynote by Jud McIntire, Smithsonian’s Program Executive for the newly opened National Museum of African American History and Culture; the Tuesday Exhibit Hall Walking Lunch, where exhibitors will present the latest industry technologies; the Institute’s Annual Reception and Awards Banquet, where the Institute will recognize industry leaders with Institute awards; the Thursday FEDCon® Keynote Breakfast; and the Thursday Beyond Green™ Awards Luncheon, where the 2016 recipients will present their award-winning projects.
Learn more about Jonathan Rose and his book, The Well-Tempered City.
View the full schedule of Building Innovation 2017 events.
Register to attend Wednesday’s Plenary Luncheon or the Full Conference. Save as much as $150 off onsite registration by registering before December 31. Sign up today!