Earlier this year, the National Institute of Building Sciences Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) hosted the BSSC Colloquium to describe key outcomes, major updates and future research needs from the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) 2015 Provisions update process. The presentations from the event, Titled “Seismic Design Technology for New Buildings — the 2015 NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures (FEMA P-1050),” are now available for download.
Under the sponsorship of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), BSSC administers an ongoing consensus-based process of updating and maintaining the NEHRP Recommended Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures. The NEHRP Recommended Provisions and its Commentary embody the state-of-knowledge criteria for design and construction of new buildings subject to earthquake hazards. The new knowledge and technologies contained in this resource document has been incorporated into the national standard, ASCE/SEI 7-16 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Structural Engineering Institute (SEI), and will be diffused into the model building codes developed by the International Code Council (ICC).
A total of 90 attendees, including professionals from the structural engineering community and members of the BSSC, registered to participate in the event, held February 11, 2015, in Burlingame, California.
The BSSC Colloquium program included 15 presentations on the development of the Provisions; major changes from the previous edition of the Provisions; and key topics that explain new technologies, why changes occurred, how they will affect structures to be built and future research issues. View the presentations.
The BSSC will be offering a series of free webinars on Colloquium topics to structural engineers and the broad disaster community in the near future. The first webinar, New Seismic Design Requirements, presented by Provisions Update Committee Chairman David Bonneville, will be held June 17. Stay tuned. Registration information will be available shortly.