Building Innovation 2015 Offers 32 Continuing Education Units

Select from 7 Different Events to Satisfy Professional Education Requirements

Attend Building Innovation 2015: The National Institute of Building Sciences Conference & Expo and check professional education requirements off the top of your 2015 "to-do” list. The Institute’s Annual Conference, to be held January 6-9, in Washington, D.C., is a great way to earn continuing education units (CEUs) while hearing from speakers who are experts in their fields. With the theme Creating High-Performing Resilient Communities, Building Innovation 2015 offers a number of educational sessions that give attendees the opportunity to select from a total of 32 Learning Units (LUs) from the American Institute of Architects.

Building Innovation 2015 Events with CEUs include:

Other opportunities to hear from industry leaders include the following networking events:

And be sure to attend the Institute’s board, council and committee meetings to get an insider’s view of the Institute in action and discover how you can get involved in developing solutions to improve the built environment. View the full conference schedule.

Register to attend credit-building educational sessions with a full-conference ticket or drop by to hear one of the daily lunch events. Select the conference package that works best for you.

Just don’t wait too long to register. Online registration ends December 31, 2014. Register now to avoid the line and save $100 off onsite registration.