A decade after the release of the seminal study, Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves: An Independent Study to Assess the Future Savings from Mitigation Activities, this Special Session, Ten Years after "Mitigation Saves”: An Examination of the Value of Private-Sector Investment in Mitigation, will bring together experts to discuss development of a second, complementary work. The Special Session will be held Friday, January 9, 2015, 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm, as part of Building Innovation 2015: The National Institute of Building Sciences Third Annual Conference and Expo.
In 2005, the Institute’s Multihazard Mitigation Council (MMC), with funding from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), published the independent study, which clearly indicated that FEMA’s natural hazard grant mitigation programs have been extremely effective in reducing future losses from earthquake, wind and flood. The study found that, "For every public dollar spent on mitigation, there is a savings of $4 to society.” However, the 2005 MMC study did not examine the cost-effectiveness of increased building-code design requirements, and an even stronger case for mitigation can be made if private-sector investments also are included. Although it is generally acknowledged that the private sector has received significant benefits from investing in disaster mitigation, the magnitude of these benefits, as well as their costs, has yet to be quantified on a comprehensive basis.
Presenters at the Special Session will discuss a vision for developing Version 2.0 of the 2005 MMC study, which will focus specifically on private-sector investments to resist natural and man-made hazards, and evaluate their effectiveness in terms of resilience.
A panel of private-sector representatives will describe motives for mitigation and provide insights into the Version 2.0 vision. Participants will have the opportunity to engage with speakers, the panel and each other. View the speaker list and session descriptions.
Plan to attend Building Innovation 2015 for the Special Session, Ten Years after "Mitigation Saves”: An Examination of the
Value of Private-Sector Investment in Mitigation, and so much more. The
Conference program includes four activity-filled days of credit-building
educational symposia, networking opportunities, inspiring award presentations
and an interactive exhibit hall. Find out more.
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2015 and save $200 off onsite registration. Early-bird
rates have been extended and will close Friday, November 14, 2014.