Students, professors and lecturers of building science, as well as practicing architects, engineers and risk management professionals interested in building science education, should attend an upcoming workshop from ASTM International and the National Institute of Building Sciences. The ASTM/NIBS Workshop on Building Science Education in North America will be held April 6 at the Sheraton Toronto in Ontario, Canada.
Sponsored by ASTM Committee E06 on Performance of Buildings; ASTM Subcommittees E06.55 on Performance of Building Enclosures and E06.41 on Air Leakage and Ventilation Performance; the ASTM Built Environment Advisory Council; the National Institute of Building Sciences; and the Joint Committee on Building Science Education, the workshop will provide an overview of building science education as it currently exists in North America. The one-day event will offer a critical review of graduate-level curricula currently available in building science and how that curricula can be further developed and refined to more effectively educate architects, engineers and construction professionals.
Speakers who are recognized as subject-matter experts in Building Science education, training and curriculum development—representing universities in Canada and the United States—will make presentations.
The workshop will conclude with an appraisal of the ASTM/NIBS Building Enclosure Certification and Training Program currently under development, which offers a new opportunity for professional development, certification and career advancement in architecture and engineering. Talks will address how that curriculum can be developed to align with curricula at Canadian and American colleges and universities to satisfy the certification requirements being developed.
View the list of speakers lined up for the event.
Registration is $110 USD online and $135 USD onsite. (ASTM members receive a $25 discount.) Presenters and students with a valid ID get in free. Online registration closes April 2. But don’t wait. Register now.
For additional technical information, contact the workshop chairman, Daniel Lemieux.
About the National Institute of Building Sciences
The National Institute of Building Sciences, authorized by public law 93-383 in 1974, is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization that brings together representatives of government, the professions, industry, labor and consumer interests to identify and resolve building process and facility performance problems. The Institute serves as an authoritative source of advice for both the private and public sectors with respect to the use of building science and technology.
An Authoritative Source of Innovative Solutions for the Built Environment
About ASTM International
ASTM International is one of the largest international standards development and delivery systems in the world. ASTM International meets the World Trade Organization (WTO) principles for the development of international standards: coherence, consensus, development dimension, effectiveness, impartiality, openness, relevance and transparency. ASTM standards are accepted and used in research and development, product testing, quality systems and commercial transactions.
About the Joint Committee on Building Science Education
The mission of the Joint Committee on Building Science Education is to support the transformation of the education and training of the design and construction industry professionals, such that it’s professionals, educated, trained and certified in building science and related advanced design and construction management practices, routinely design and build quality, high-performance buildings that are safe, healthy, durable, comfortable and very energy-efficient and always provide the highest value to their customers.