Each year, the National Institute of Building Sciences recognizes individuals and organizations that have provided outstanding service to the Institute, the building community and the nation. The Institute honored its 2013 award winners at an Annual Reception and Awards Banquet held Wednesday, January 8, during Building Innovation 2014—The National Institute of Building Sciences Annual Conference & Expo. The 2013 recipients included Wagdy A.Y. Anis, FAIA; Martin Weiland, PE; and Jimmy W. Sealy, FAIA.
Anis Receives 2013 Institute Honor Award
Wagdy Anis (second from left) accepts the 2013 Institute Honor Award from Institute Chairman RK Stewart (left), Institute President Henry L. Green (second from right) and Incoming Chairman James "Tim” Ryan.
The Institute Honor Award goes to an individual or organization that has made an exceptional contribution to the nation and the building community. Institute Chairman RK Stewart, FAIA, Hon. FRAIC, Hon. JIA, LEED AP, presented the 2013 Honor Award to Wagdy A.Y. Anis, FAIA, in recognition of his dedication to and leadership of the Building Enclosure Technology and Environment Council (BETEC) and a staunch advocate for the message of how "Science Meets Design” in the design and construction of high-performance building enclosures; his work on the Building Enclosure Science and Technology (BEST) Conference series, now evolving into its fourth incarnation; his role in establishing the Building Enclosure Councils; and his vision of the Journal of Building Enclosure Design (JBED), which debuted in 1996. Anis serves as principal of Wiss, Janny, Elstner Associates, Inc.'s Boston office.
"I am humbled.” said Anis. "As the Institute moves forward to improve the design and construction industry…my work will continue with BETEC…and advancing the performance of buildings as much as I can.”
Weiland Receives 2013 Institute Member Award
Martin Weiland, of the U.S. General Service Administration, addresses the audience upon receiving the 2013 Institute Member Award.
The Institute Member Award goes to a member of the Institute or affiliate council who has made a substantial contribution in support of the mission, goals and objectives of the Institute. Chairman Stewart presented the 2013 Member Award to Martin Weiland, PE, in recognition of his efforts to lead the transformation of the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA)'s P100, "Facilities Standards for the Public Buildings Services,” from a primarily prescriptive standard into a performance-based standard; his tenacious work from designing the project scope of work to reconciling more than 1,000 comments; and his work with GSA's regional offices to incorporate many innovative features including tiers of performance, electronic formatting, a performance rating system and continuous-updating procedures.
"It is important to me and the entire team at GSA that NIBS is acknowledging GSA's bold step…” said Weiland. "We look forward to more work on this standard with NIBS.”
IAPMO Receives 2013 Institute President's Award
"Plumbers don't expect a lot of awards,” said Pete DeMarco, upon accepting the 2013 Institute President's Award on behalf of the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO).
The Institute President's Award is given to an individual or organization in recognition of extraordinary efforts to assist in advancing the mission of the Institute. Institute President Henry L. Green, Hon. AIA, presented the 2013 President's Award to The International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) in recognition of the organization's support of and work on Institute programs, including the Consultative Council, High Performance Building Council, National Council of Governments on Building Codes and Standards, and the buildingSMART Alliance, as well as work to forge a more resilient America by promoting the need for improved water efficiency and the water/energy nexus in America.
Accepting the award on behalf of IAPMO was Peter DeMarco, senior vice president of advocacy, research and program development. DeMarco has led a number of initiatives, both internal to the Institute and external, which have led to a greater discussion on how energy and water are inexplicably connected.
"Plumbers don't expect a lot of awards,” said DeMarco, upon receiving the award. "[Regarding the Consultative Council] it's been an opportunity. Where else can you develop a series of recommendations that carry the weight of consensus that lands on the President of the United States' desk?”
Sealy Receives 2013 Mortimer M. Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award
Institute President Henry L. Green (left) and Institute Chairman RK Stewart (right) present the 2013 Mortimer M.. Marshal Lifetime Achievement Award to Jimmy W. Sealy. Sealy has dedicated more than 40 years of his life to building codes and the work of the National Institute of Building Sciences and other building industry organizations.
The Mortimer M. Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award, the Institute's highest honor, goes to someone who has demonstrated a lifetime of dedication to the mission and goals of the Institute. Established in 2011 and named after the organization's first member, this award is bestowed upon those who exhibit the passion upon which the Institute is founded. Chairman Stewart presented the 2013 Mortimer M. Marshall Lifetime Achievement Award to Jimmy W. Sealy, FAIA.
Sealy has participated on dozens of committees, such as accessibility, stairs, enclosures, seismic safety, window safety for children, and many more, for a number of building industry organizations throughout his career. Known for his epic knowledge of building codes and regulations, Sealy has mentored a vast array of code officials and industry practitioners. He has an immense history in codes, having worked in all of the legacy model code organizations, and continues to address the most complex issues facing designers, building owners and governmental code administration agencies across America.
A recipient of the most prestigious awards given by the model code organizations, Sealy received the Alton T. Riddick Award from the Southern Building Code Congress International (SBCCI) in 1988 and the John Fies Award from the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) in 1999 (the only individual to have receive both of those awards). In addition, the International Code Council awarded Sealy the Bobby J. Fowler Award in 2004, the highest award accorded in the building code administration profession.
Sealy has also been honored by his profession. In 1993, he was named to the AIA College of Fellows. In 1999, Sealy received the AIA Dallas President's Medal in recognition of "extraordinary service to the architectural profession.” In 2007, he was appointed to serve a three-year term as a member of the AIA Fellows Jury and the Jury of Honorary Fellows. In 2011, his peers from the American Institute of Architects Dallas further recognized him with the Lifetime Achievement Award.
In 2005, Sealy also received the Institute's Member award "for voluntary service to improve the building process through contributions to safety, accessibility, egress, and all around common sense.”
Sealy served on the Institute Board from 2007 to 2012. During his years on the Board, he provided exemplary leadership and guidance. He served as vice chairman from 2009 to 2010 and was elected to chairman in January 2010, serving until December 2011. As immediate past chair, Sealy continued his service on the Board and also served as chairman of the Building Seismic Safety Council Board of Direction (a position he held prior to his election to the Board).
"My family has been building codes and NIBS,” said Sealy. "[my relationship] started 42 years ago (I'm older than NIBS)… I thought tonight was going to be my last trip, and our contracting officer [for the Building Seismic Safety Council, which Sealy chairs], asked me to continue. So, I'll see you next year.”
Each year, the Institute issues a call to industry for nominations to identify potential award recipients. In the summer of 2013, the Awards Committee reviewed the 2013 submissions and selected winners from the nominees, based on how their work meets the mission, objectives and goals of the Institute. The Awards Committee will solicit nominations for the 2014 awards in late spring of 2014, with nominations due in July.